Wake Up To The Great Reset

Since at least 1971, a group of global elites, members of the World Economic Forum (WEF), have been working to accomplish something they call The Great Reset.

According to them, the World Economic Forum is "an independent international organization committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas..."

In reality it is a plan that will destroy the west and bring in a tyranical utopia of their own making. A quote from the WEF: "Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better." [ Tweet from the World Economic Forum ] That is if you comply with their system.

The Great Reset IS HERE NOW!!

The global elites are on the verge of completing their plans. The progressive left in this country and others is bringing their plans to fruition. Climate agenda initiatives are moving the Great Reset forward as well as the use of ESG scores.

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Wake Up To The Climate Agenda

The goal of the climate agenda is to eliminate all fossil fuels (coal, natural gas, petroleum, and nuclear power) by 2030. The proponents of the climate agenda present the narrative that the impact of climate change is an existential threat to humanity. It requires western civilization, but not two of the most populous countries of China and India, to reduce carbon emmissions to zero. We have to elimate all sources of dependable energy, while China builds more and more coal powered plants. And this will save the world. Really?

"Global warming is not about science, but about politics -- that is, about expanding the power of elites using the coercive instruments of government to control the lives of people everywhere." [The Goal Is Power: The Global Warming Conspiracy ]

The impact of these changes on all western countries will be devastating. This is what we will and are seeing:

Is this what you voted for?

  • Higher cost of fossil fuels. Gasoline prices are already at record highs. The more fossil fuels are eliminated the higher cost of almost everything. Higher costs for truckers and rail companies will mean higher cost of goods transported, including food. How much of a hit will your budget take if gasoline and food prices keep rising, which they will?
  • Destruction of reliable energy. It is impossible for wind and solar power to replace the energy produced by electricity, gas, and nuclear energy. Energy shortages are expected this winter all over the world. In Texas in the winter of 2021, after increasing the amount of renewable energy, the windmills froze, so the power grid failed.
  • Global food shortages and famine. Petroleum is used to make the fertilizer used by farms all over the world. The fertilizer makes it possbile to maintain high crop production and feed the world. No petroleum based fertilizer means significantly less food. The high cost of petroleum means that farmers won't have the money to even buy fertilizer or run their farm equipment. Cattle are also considered a cause of global climate change and western countries, by government edict, are eliminating cow herds. [ Setting The Table For Famine ]
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Wake Up To The Progressive Left

Is this what you voted for?

  • Higher crime rates. The defund the police movement, elimination of cash bail, emptying of jails, and no penalty for looting have caused crime rates in major cities to skyrocket.
  • Border Crisis. Approximately 4.9 million illegal immigrants have crossed our border since Biden has taken office. Countries below our southern border are emptying their prisons and sending criminals north to the US. The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) seized 800 percent more fentanyl in April 2022 over April 2021.
  • Weaponizing government agencies. The left is using the IRS, the Department Of Justice (DOJ), and the FBI to target political enemies.
  • One party system. The progressive left is doing everything they can to maintain power and eliminate any chance of an opposition party ever winning a majority in the house or senate or taking over the presidency. A one party system may lead to dictatorship by the government: A dictator is a leader that has absolute authority in any sphere. He does not tolerate opposition or plurality of government. The left's woke culture demonizes anyone with a different view than theirs.
  • Loss of first ammendendment rights. The first ammendment to the constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.".
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Wake Up To Warnings

Immigrants from communist and totalitarian countries are seeing changes in the west that remind them what they have seen in takeovers of their own countries. We need to listen to them.

  • Communist Cuba. Maximo Alvarez, a Cuban immigrant who came to America over 60 years ago after escaping communist Cuba, issued a powerful warning to Americans saying that the political Left in America today are "communists," and that they are trying to destroy the nation. [Warning from Maximo Alvarez]
  • Cambodia Killings Field Survivor. Survivor of the Cambodian Genocide Nal Oum: A Heartfelt Warning to the West. [Warning from Nal Oum]
  • Communist China. Survivor of Mao's revolution warns about Biden's China policies. [Warning from Xi Van Fleet]
  • Vietnam. Amy Phan West escaped Vietnam's communist dictatorship in 1984. Now she’s urging Americans to never take their freedoms for granted, lest they fall prey to the same fate as Vietnam. [Warning from Amy Phan]
  • Four communist escapees. Four communist escapees warn: 'America is becoming an authoritarian nation'. [Warning from four communist escapees ]
  • Soviet Bloc. Lt. Gen. Ion Mihai Pacepa, the highest-ranking official ever to have defected from the former Soviet bloc says "The Democratic Party has become dangerously infected with the Marxism virus. I recognize the symptoms because I once lived through them, and I believe it is my obligation as an American citizen to help the conservative movement to prevent any further spread of Marxism in my adopted country."
  • Russian nationalist. Alexander Kitchenko, a Russian national, commented on social media this week, "Looking back at history of Russia I can tell you that Soviet totalitarian communism also started 'lightly', with people who were against 'patriarchy'. They were all about free love, abortions, redefinition of language and often were quarreling inside their ranks. But then there was one most militant group, which slowly dominated all the hippie-style freaks and later executed most of them in the name of 'revolution.'" "History repeats itself, but now it is happening on your soil and I can only pray that it will be stopped somehow before it is too late," Mr. Kitchenko commented.


great reset is happening

the great reset

D'Souza Gill and Marc Morano Discuss What the 'Great Reset' Means for Us.View Video


the great reset by glen beck

the great reset

The Great Reset is a real-world fascist threat to every American from Wall Street to Main Street and it’s happening now.View Video


farm to table famine

setting the table for famine

Michael Yon on the Energy Crisis, Food Shortages, Price Inflation, and the Human ‘South-Stream Pipeline’ to the US.View More


great reset is happening

is there really a climate crisis

Steve Koonin, former Undersecretary for Science in the Obama Administration, challenges the confident assumptions of climate alarmists.View Video


Goodbye, America

Goodbye, America

How is America to be defined? By its failures or its triumphs? Today, there seems to be an obsession with the former and a dismissal of the latter by the left.View Video


Hows Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

How's Socialism Doing in Venezuela?

Venezuela is falling apart. Its economy? Ruined. Its people? Hungry. Its government? Corrupt. What happened? In a word, socialism.View Video


What You Can Do

Like many of you, I believe the 2020 election was rigged, and that the left used many techniques to steal the election -- mail in ballots, mules delivering stacks of ballots to drop boxes, drop boxes funded by Mark Zuckerburg, algorithms programmed into voting machines, and more. I also believe that not enough is in place to stop this from happening again in the 2022 election. But we MUST vote. We must get as many conservatives out to vote so we can to try to overwhelm the system.

Here are others things we can do:

  • Keep praying for this country and those who are fighting to save her. Pray for those those who are paying a heavy price for standing up and trying to defend this country, including the January 6th political prisoners. Pray for those who are trying to take down this country, that they will repent and be saved.
  • Stand up. And if you are too afraid to stand up, then support those that are standing up. Support politicians and groups who are patriots with your money, if you can.
  • Buy local as much as you can, to take money away from the corporate giants and support local businesses. They are the backbone of this economy.
  • Move your money out of the mega banks into local banks.
[Be Brave]

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